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Showing posts with label Germany. Show all posts


Berlin is the capital of the Federal Republic of Germany since 1994, and is one of 16 states of Germany. The largest city in Germany is located in northeastern Germany, it is the center of Berlin-Brandenburg metropolitan area, and the city is also the second most populous city in the European Union after London and the seventh most populous urban area in the European Union.

Now Berlin has become one of the world's tourist destinations, as well as architectural beauty of the city a good city that will keep you captivated. Besides the city of Berlin is also regarded as the world of culture, politics, media, economy and science. Berlin is also a city that acts as a center of political activities of the European Union, as well as the busiest metropolis in Europe.
So are you waiting for, if you are keen then I suggest you immediately come and enjoy this beautiful city. And I am sure you will never regret coming here.

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Nymphenburg Palace

Nymphenburg Palace is a palace which is very famous for its beautiful garden inside. The palace is located in Munich, Bavaria, southern Germany.
Nymphenburg Palace is located in front of the Residence Munich and Schleissheim Palace, but clearly behind the palace of King Ludwig II. The building has a width of 700 meters which is derived from the 17th century, and now it has become one of the world tourist destination.
Many tourists who come here, so as to achieve approximately 300,000 visitors per year.

Here there are different kinds of plants and birds such as geese. So this place is now one of the most famous sights of Munich.
So I suggest that you immediately come to this place so you can spend your time relaxing with your family to enjoy and appreciate the natural beauty that is presented here.

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The Berlin Wall

The Berlin Wall is a wall that is very historic and famous in the world, which was established on August 13, 1961 by East Germany's communist government under the leadership of Walter Ulbricht. And this wall is made ​​of concrete barrier built by the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) which separated West Berlin and East Berlin and other eastern German regions, making an enclave of West Berlin.

The history of the construction of this wall is due in 1949 to 1961 was more than 2 million people fled East Germany through Berlin. Thus making the East German economy into oversized, because most people who are young who escaped. So secretly and suddenly the wall was built.

In November 2009 this is a celebration of 20 years end of the rule "strong" this dividing wall. And now the wall is known as one of the very historic walls that once existed in the world.
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Neues Museum or "New Museum"

Neues Museum or "New Museum" is a very famous museum in the world. The museum is located on the north Altes Museum on Museum Island, Berlin, Germany was built between the years 1843 to 1855. Then at the beginning of World War II in 1939, this museum was closed and suffered severe damage caused by bombing Berlin. After it takes about 10 years for reconstruction and re-design is a complex and intelligent by British architect David Chipperfield, without losing the classic feel of the building should be adjusted even if current technological developments. Then the museum was officially reopened in October 2009 and received RIBA European Award 2010 for architecture.
So this building can be categorized as one of the best buildings in the world.

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Neuschwanstein Castle

Neuschwanstein Castle is a Bavarian castle in the 19th century. The castle is located atop the mountains in Germany, near Hohenschwangau and Füssen in southwest Bavaria. The castle was built by Ludwig II of Bavaria. This castle is the most photographed building in Germany this place is one tourism destination in Germany. There are actually two palaces there, Hohenschwangau and Neuschwanstein. But most tourists prefer instead Hohenschwangau Neuschwanstein. Because of the beautiful scenery of this explains why Neuschwanstein is the most photographed building in Germany, and inspired many movies and fairy tales.

The castle has been open to the public since 1886. Every year, about 1.3 million people visit this castle, with 6,000 people per day in the summer. All the way to the Castle by train, our eyes are very spoiled with the natural scenery is so beautiful and charming. Views of blue sky, green grass interspersed with wild flowers in yellow, and trees here and there.

There are still lots of room in the palace that is not resolved. However, the rooms that have become truly riveting. The King's bedroom is filled by a large bed with a wooden pole in the fourth end, and on top filled with carved images of all cathedrals in Bavaria. There is also a secret door leading to the toilets, hand washing facilities in the form of a swan. Decorations and paintings in the palace many took inspiration from operas by Richard Wagner, the King's favorite composer.

The rooms are no less beautiful is the throne room, decorated by paintings around the walls and mosaics on the floor. There is also The Singers' Hall which was built specifically for musical performances and drama. King Ludwig died before he could watch the show anything in that place, but a place with good acoustics is still in use.
The view out of the palace itself no less amazing. The sky is slightly cloudy, with a little snow on the mountain-tongued, blue lakes, dense forests and Hohenschwangau castle itself. Visitor favorite room is The Grotto, is shaped like a cave complete with a tiny waterfall and a small garden to relax. Music from the Singers' Hall can also be enjoyed from this spot. Amazingly, although built in the 19th century and looks old, the palace was built by using many modern technologies for the convenience of the occupants.

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The Berlin Zoological Garden

The Berlin Zoological Garden (German: Zoologischer Garten Berlin) is the oldest and best known zoo in Germany. Opened in 1844 it covers 34 hectares (84 acres) and is located in Berlin's Tiergarten. With more than 1,500 different species and around 17,000 animals the zoo presents the most comprehensive collection of species in the world.

The zoo and its aquarium had almost 3 million visitors in 2010. It is considered to be the most visited zoo in Europe and one of the most popular worldwide. Regular animal feedings are among its most famous attractions. Globally known animals like Knut, the polar bear, and Bao Bao, the Giant Panda contribute to the zoo's public image.

The zoo collaborates with many universities, research institutes, and other zoos around the world. It maintains and promotes European breeding programmes, helps safeguard several endangered species, and participates in several species reintroduction programs.

Opened on August 1, 1844 the Zoologischer Garten Berlin was the first zoo in Germany. The aquarium opened in 1913. The early animals were donated by Frederick William IV, King of Prussia, from the menagerie and pheasantry of the Tiergarten.

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Bodelschwingh Castle

Bodelschwingh Castle is a moated castle from the 13th century, the largest and most important of its kind in Dortmund. The entire structure rests on the pillars of oak, with air excluded, must remain moist to maintain their strength.
Moated castle with a garden and yard is one of the estates left in the Ruhr area that is still in private ownership. The castle has been the residence of the family since the 13th century. For centuries the buildings around a courtyard that is used for agriculture. However, changes in agricultural policy have left their mark here: buildings no longer needed to farm has been converted into houses and offices over the last 25 years.
The fort became a private residence not open to the public, nor is there a museum, hotel or restaurant nearby.

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Magdeburg Water Bridge

Magdeburg Water Bridge (German: Wasserstraßenkreuz Magdeburg) is Europe's largest water bridge in Germany.

The idea of ​​this bridge construction beginning in 1919 then in 1938 made ​​up rangcang but delayed by the World War II with the construction of a canal bridge Magdeburg, indicating reunite the former West Germany with the former East Germany and serves as the connecting line that connects the port perlayaran in Berlin with the existing ports on the Rhine river along both sides of the bridge is open for visitors pedestrians and cyclists. Construction began in 1997 and was completed in 2003 at a cost of € 500 million for engineering water offsetting the difference in height between the Mittelland canal with the Elbe-Havel canal is a bridge along the 918 m (690 m above the ground and 228 m above the water surface) and into 4.25 m and 34 m wide bowl has a maximum span 106 m and uses about 68 000 m3 of concrete and 24,000 tons of steel that allows the Mittelland canal cruise through the canal from the Elbe-Havel on the Elbe to the stricken area Ruhr industrial.

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Kastil Heidelberg, Jerman

Visiting Germany seemed not complete prior to visiting and seeing the beauty of the Heidelberg Castle. This magnificent palace is a symbol of the country's history, situated in the Neckar Valley. Therefore do not be surprised if the historic building was always a source of inspiration of the writers of scenarios, or a filmmaker, and author of the story. Inspired by ancient buildings, munculah big films or interesting article about his background, even romance romance by taking a castle setting.

 In the former castle of Electors Palatine buildings, there are some that look destroyed. According to some sources, the destruction of the fort at once the palace of high architectural value, it happened during a war with France. And the government still allow such a spectacle ruins visitors. As historical evidence, that the place was never a war between the two countries led by the king. It provided for the establishment of the castle as the anniversary of Heidelberg. The document was discovered first city in the year 1196 and 1225 known as the Heidelberg.

Heidelberg Castle is one of the many resorts in Germany the best known. Within a year of no less two million tourists visit the place. Heidelberg entered the territory of Baden Wuerttemberg. To reach the castle of Heidelberg, you need to go through 303 steps. Because of the cool air, when the number of hundreds that can not feel heavy.

After the fall of the castle, not perfect, if not taking the time to stop by the old bridge near Bismarckplatz. From the bridge which is under, the Castle looks elegant.

Other exciting places to become the pride of a city of 500,000 inhabitants is the Leipzig Zoo, Interstate War Monument, St. Thomas (museum Johann Sebastian Bach), the City History Museum, Gewandhaus Concert Hall, Opera, Lake Cospuden, Madlerpassage (the largest shopping center), Leipzig Trade Fair, the Constitutional Court, Clara-Zetkin Park, Karl-Heine Canal / City Water and Belantis. Various nicknames also carried Leipzig, the city of sports, arts and cultural center and economic powerhouse Germany in the Middle.
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