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Showing posts with label Italia. Show all posts

Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo or The Catacombs

Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo or The Catacombs, is a way of burial of the Italy that put lives into the church like a monastery, priest, and his descendants. And dehydrated into ceramic bodies shaped like the original human form, some of the bodies embalmed and dicuka and not a few corpses are only covered by the glass. Burial is located in Palermo, Sicily, southern Italy, was first performed in 1599, but officially closed in 1880. But because the tourists continue to visit, then in 1920, officially reopened Catacombs until now.

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Palace of Bargello

Palace of Bargello, also known as the Palazzo del Popolo (People's Palace) is a very famous museum. Museum which was once a barracks and prison is now a museum of art a very famous castle, located in areas with narrow streets and winding road near the Palazzo Vecchio, in Florence, Italy. This place officially became a museum that is when the Holy Roman Emperor Peter Leopold was exiled, and emergency Governor of Tuscany decided that the Bargello should no longer be a prison, and it later became a national museum, was opened as a national museum precisely in 1865.

And now the Bargello much visited by tourists, both local and foreign tourists. They come here to enjoy the cultural history and the collections of the museum. This museum displays the largest collection of Italian Gothic and Renaissance sculptures (14-17 century). And other collections include Donatello David and St. George Tabernacle, Vincenzo Gemito the Pescatore ("fisherboy"), Jacopo Sansovino's Bacco, Giambologna in L'Architettura and Mercurio. Benvenuto Cellini is represented by a bronze statue of Cosimo I. The museum also has a fine collection of ceramics (maiolica), textiles, carpets, ivory, silver, old coins and armours.

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Uffizi Gallery

Uffizi Gallery is a world famous museum, because it is one of the oldest art museum and the most famous of the Western world. The gallery is located in the city of Florence, Italy. Gallery was built in 1560 is widely collected works of historic and comprehensive in the world are arranged in chronological order to facilitate visitors to study the development of classical paintings in full. Paintings such as for example the Byzantine paintings until the work of Giotto, such as Primavera, Nascita on Venere (The Birth of Venus), Annunciazione or Annunciazione in Cestello (Notice) by Boticelli, Adorazione dei Magi (Adoration of the Magi) by Leonardo da Vinci, Doni Tondo (Holy Family ) by Michelangelo, and the Madonna del cardellino (Goldfinch Bird Madonna) by Raphael.

And now this gallery is one of the famous tourist places in Florence. Many world travelers who come to visit this place.

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Loggia dei Lanzi or Loggia della Signoria

Loggia dei Lanzi or Loggia della Signoria, is a building at the corner of Piazza della Signoria in Florence, Italy, alongside the Uffizi Gallery. It consists of wide arches open to the street, three bays wide and one bay deep.
At this time converted into a museum statues and carvings is the favorite of tourists, among others Perseo con la testa at Medusa (Perseus and Medusa Head) (1554) works of Cellini, Donatello's Judith and Holofernes, imitation marble David by Michelangelo, and Mazocco (heraldie lion) by Donatello.
Besides the Dome consists of a half circle, and on the steps of the Loggia is a lion Medici, two Marzoccos, marble statue of a lion, heraldic symbol of Florence, that on the right is from the Roman era and the one on the left was carved by Flaminio Vacca in 1598.

So if you visit the city of Florence, then there is no harm in your taking the time to visit this historic place, because this place has become one of the tourist destinations of the world when it comes to the city of Florence.

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Piazza della Signoria

Piazza della Signoria is a large square building dominated the Palazzo Vecchio (Vecchio Palace) is a fortress located in Florence, Italy. This place is the focal point of the origin and history of the Florentine Republic and still maintains its reputation as a center of city politics. This is the meeting place of Florence as well as many tourists, is located near the Ponte Vecchio and the Piazza del Duomo and the gateway to the 14th century Uffizi Gallery.

And now this place has become the town hall of Florence, was originally founded in the 13th century by Arnolfo in Cambio. One of the most beautiful room in Pallazo Vecchio is Studiolo in Francesco I, who used Francesco I de 'Medici (1541-1587) as a workspace. Done by Vasari, this room filled with beautiful paintings and sumptuous interiors.
And many local and foreign tourists who deliberately make themselves available to come visit this place.

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Orsanmichele is a fairly famous church in Via Calzaiuoli city of Florence, Italy. In 1337, this building was originally built by Francesco Talenti, Neri in Fioravante, and Hate in Cione as a market, but then between 1380 and 1404 converted into a church that is used as a chapel of Florence and craft powerful trade unions.

This church has a Gothic-style buildings are decorated with trefoil windows (leaf berhelai three). In the niche-niche there are 14 statues of protective trade unions designed Florence Ghiberti, Nanni de Banco, Donatello and Verrocchio.
And now the church has become one tourist destination if you go on vacation to the city of Florence, Italy.

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The Baptistry Florence

The Baptistry Florence is a religious building with a status of a very famous basilica in Florence (Tuscany), Italy. The building stands in the Piazza del Duomo and the Piazza di San Giovanni, opposite the Duomo cathedral and Giotto bell tower (Campanile on Giotto). This is one of the oldest buildings built between 1059 and 1128, with the Florentine Romanesque style architecture.

This building became known for its function and grandeur that reflects the importance of baptism for Christians. Additionally Baptistry became famous for the three sets of artistically important bronze doors with carvings. Doors by Andrea Pisano south and north and east doors by Lorenzo Ghiberti. The couple, dubbed by the east door of Michelangelo "Gates of Paradise". And an octagonal lantern was added to the pavilion roof around 1150. In the corner, under a roof, there is a giant lion's head with a human head under their claws. The exterior is also decorated with a number of significant artistic sculpture by Andrea Sansovino (above the Gate of Heaven), Giovan Francesco Rustici, Vincenzo Danti (above the south door) and others.

Because that's what this building is now becoming quite famous. And many tourists who come to the city of Florence deliberately taking the time to visit these historic buildings.

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Campanile Giotto

Campanile Giotto is a tower that looks very pretty, which is part of a complex of buildings that make up the Cathedral of Florence in the Piazza del Duomo in Florence, Italy. This tower is one of the ornaments of Florentine Gothic architecture with designs by Giotto. The building was first constructed on July 19, 1334 This has a side height of 14.45 meters by 84.7 meters (277.9 feet), and divided into five levels.
And now this tower has become the center of attention of tourists who come to the city of Florence. So that the tower was used as one of the attractions in the city.

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Perugia is the capital of which is quite popular in Italy, which is precisely the capital of Umbria in central Italy, near the River Tiber, and the capital of the province of Perugia.
The town is located about 102 miles north of Rome is also known as a university town, with the University of Perugia, Foreign Universities, and several other colleges. In addition, Perugia is famous artistic centers of Italy. The well-known artists such as Pietro Vannucci, nicknamed Perugino, and Raphael, Pinturicchio and Galeazzo Alessi of the most famous of Perugia.

And if you are a chocolate lover, then the right choice for you to come to this city, because of Perugia has become famous for chocolate, especially since a single firm, Perugina, the famous and very popular in Italy. So the city is to host a chocolate festival every October.
So are you waiting for, come and enjoy the beauty of the culture of this city while enjoying the delights of chocolate city of Perugia.

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Prato - Italy

Prato is a city and the Comune in Tuscany, Italy, the capital of the Province of Prato. The location of this city are precisely located in the Region of Tuscany, the Province of Prato, Italy. Prato is Tuscany's second largest city and third largest in Central Italy, after Rome and Florence. After the 19th century, Florence became a major industrial center, especially in the textile sector. Historically, the economy of Prato has been based on the textile industry. Prato is also a center of slow food movement, with local specialties, including cantucci, type of biscotti, sold by a local specialty baker.

And now the city has an area of ​​97.45 km ² with a population of 185,242 souls have incarnated as one of the tourist destinations of the world. Many tourists from abroad come to this city to enjoy the beauty of the city and its cultural history.

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Siena / Sienna

Siena / Sienna is a city in Tuscany, Italy, precisely the provincial capital of Siena, which is quite famous in the world. The city is famous for being one of the historic center has been declared by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. So many tourists from abroad who came to this city for sightseeing, with more than 163,000 international arrivals in 2008. Siena is famous for cuisine, art, museums, medieval cityscape and the Palio, and the horse race held twice a year.
So if you're interested, then immediately come here and enjoy the beauty culture in this city.

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